Painless Data Augmentation with BigQuery

Quickly Augmenting Your Datasets with BigQuery Public Data

Written by Austin Poor (3 min read)
Jan 07, 2021 (4 years ago)
An image of toy blocks being assembled into a tower by a little crane, generated by DALL-E.
An image of toy blocks being assembled into a tower by a little crane, generated by DALL-E.

Google Cloud's BigQuery is a great tool for data scientists to quickly and easily augment their datasets with external data. Specifically, BigQuery has a listing of public datasets from a variety of different sources. All you need is a Google Cloud account and some basic SQL knowledge.

Here are just a few useful public datasets:

A Quick Example

I think one of the most useful among the BigQuery public datasets is the US Census ACS data, which gives multi-year data broken down geographically (by state, zip code, county, etc.).

It has a lot of great demographic information like population (broken down by age, race, gender, marital status, etc.), education levels, employment, income, and much more.

For example, say I wanted to query the total population and median household income for three zip codes in the NYC area. There's a table called zip_codes_2018_5yr that gives a 5-year estimate of census data for the year 2018, broken down by zip code.

Here's what my query will look like:

  geo_id, -- Where geo_id is the zip code
  geo_id in ("11377","11101","10708"); 

And I can run it in the BigQuery UI...

Screenshot of the BigQuery UI

And get the following results...

Viewing query results in the BigQuery UI

Great! I got my answer in 0.4 seconds and now I can go back and expand my query to get this data for multiple years. Or, I can export the results to a CSV or JSON file to join it up with my data.

Screenshot showing export options for BigQuery results

Finally, as a bonus, you can connect to BigQuery through Python with the package google-cloud-bigquery.

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