About Me

I'm a full-stack developer living in Los Angeles, CA.

I like working with data, building APIs, and designing interfaces.


I'm a full-stack developer living in Los Angeles, CA. I work at Command Credit — a business credit reseller based in Rhinebeck, NY — where I manage the company's API and self-service web app.

I enjoy being a generalist — working with data, building APIs, and designing interfaces — managing the full software and data life-cycle at a company.

I've studied and worked in a variety of fields, including medicine (I was an EMT during high school and college), film/animation (I worked at a small commercial animation studio for a few years), data science (I graduated from a 3-month intensive data science bootcamp after graduating from college), and software development (I've been working a full-stack developer for the past two years).

You'll see that the date ranges for my work experience and education interwtine a bit — as I've moved back and forth between fields — finding my passion for data and software engineering and building my skillset.

Currently, I'm learning more about data engineering and data science, and I'm interested in working with data at a larger scale.

Full Stack Developer @ Command Credit Corp

April 2021 - Present


  • Inherited full-stack support and development responsibilities for two web commerce systems with API interfaces to major credit bureaus in my third month of tenure.
  • Designed and implemented an internal API to standardize and simplify software architecture across two systems built by multiple teams.
  • Proposed and designed an AWS-based standard architecture replatforming strategy to save the firm money and reduce operational risks.

Data Analyst @ Freelance

March 2020 - April 2021


  • Identified, collected, merged, normalized, and presented longitudinal US census and population health data on murders, suicides, and overdose deaths to inform City University of New York's professor's research on population health trends in coastal South Carolina.
  • Developed a web scraper to gather, consolidate, normalize, and present City of Canton, OH housing code violations and low-interest loan application site data into Excel reports to inform City's Low-Interest Loan Community Redevelopment investment targeting.
  • Healthcare provider profiles and market share data acquisition, consolidation, and analysis model for NTT Data Systems healthcare industry vertical.

Assistant to the Executive Creative Director @ CHRLX

October 2014 - July 2017

New York, NY

  • Managed the Exec. Creative Director's schedule, tasks, and priorities with internal team members, freelancers, and clients.
  • Coordinated across multiple teams of staff, contractors, and clients in a fast-paced, deadline-oriented creative environment.
  • Served as an on-site project coordinator to coordinate with producers and technical staff regarding client project deliveries and issue resolution.



BA in Computer Science from Sarah Lawrence College

December 2019

Bronxville, NY

Select courses:

  • Bio-Inspired Artificial Intelligence
  • Databases
  • Computer Architecture
  • Quantum Computing


  • Go
  • Python
  • JavaScript/TypeScript
  • SQL
  • Docker
  • AWS
  • GCP
  • gRPC APIs
  • React
  • Svelte
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • MongoDB
  • TensorFlow