About Me

A little bit about me.

Austin and Sandwich
Me and Sandwich

Hi, I'm Austin! I'm a full-stack software engineer, living in Los Angeles.

I work at Command Credit, where I manage the websites, the API, and the infrastructure.

I like writing code in Go, Python, JavaScript/TypeScript, and Rust. And I'm interested in learning new things (like AI/LLMs, local-first software, Tauri, Remix, and more), building helpful tools, and playing around with code. Check out my blog or my projects page if you want to see more.

Sandwich and Mitch

Sandwich and Mitch in the kitchen
Sandwich (right) and Mitch (left) in the kitchen

We have two dogs, Sandwich and Mitch.

Sandwich is 11 years old and doesn't have any teeth.

Mitch is 2 years old and loves scratches.


Austin after finishing the 2024 San Diego Half-Marathon
Me after finishing the 2024 San Diego Half-Marathon

I've recently started getting into running and I'm training for the 2025 LA Marathon.

Here's a picture of me after finishing the 2024 San Diego Half-Marathon.