Some projects I've worked on and links to learn more about them.
An TUI SSH server with some info about me, built with Go, Wish, and Bubble Tea. Check it out at <Code>$ ssh</Code>.
A desktop app for chatting with ChatGPT using the OpenAI API – built with Tauri, Rust, React and Mantine.
Running JavaScript in Rust
A demo of embedding a JavaScript runtime in Rust using Deno.
A testing library for the Go "net/http" library that makes it easy to write quick assertions about HTTP requests and responses.
Generating Color Palettes with AI
Using traditional machine learning techniques – like k-means and agglomerative clustering – to generate color palettes from film stills.
My ChatGPT Plugin
A ChatGPT plugin that provides some basic information about me and even lets you send me a message!
A custom URL-shortener built with JavaScript and Hono, and hosted on Deno Deploy.
Streaming ChatGPT API Responses in Rust
A demo of streaming ChatGPT API responses in Rust.